Remember this ladies sweater? The one left at Village Discount Outlet by...let's call her Becca.
It has found new life, and here's how:
1. Cut off bottom half of sweater arms.
2. Trim off material from what remains of your arms, and continue trimming down the side of sweater (the shape that looks like a '7' in the picture above).
3. Cut out shape between legs. Line that edge with twill tape on alternate sides and attach snaps.
4. Sew outside edge- along bottom of arm and down the side of the suit.
5. Hem sleeve cuffs.
6. Admire how willing your child is to wear such a ridiculous, but adorbs outfit.
Oh so cuddly! I'm just browsing through your archives, and even though I've enjoyed EVERYTHING, this in particular stands out. Looks simple enough to do, and the resulting piece just makes me smile.