Several times, I have referred to the INCREDIBLY handy primer for altering baby pants at Sew, Mama, Sew, which has helped me before on this beginner's quest. To no avail. I'm going for the slickest, most perfectly tailored cut for the Baby Hobo sweater pants and it's hard to have them allow room for diapers- especially cloth diapers, yet not be poofy and awkward. Since they are sweater pants, I need them to be snug-but-not-quite-leggings.
Trying to make a pattern that worked with sweatshirt fabric too is a no-go. Fo' sho'. I know that now.
Here is a run-down of the pattern's evolution:
A good butt cut to start with. Got sort of binding after only a wash or two though.
Cozy looking, right? But here you see the start of the problem with Frontbutt 2010. Also they are ever-slightly too tight at the bottom.
Here's a shot of the back end. I am trying to achieve extra space on the butt only. These are obviously too evenly weighted in the front/ back ratio.
Booty near perfection.
Somehow still smuggling items up front. This pattern was overall a little looser, so I have the right length and all that now.
Here's the front. The front seam is much shorter that before and less curved. Duh. Pants Patterning 101.
And the back. You see that seam sticking out, that's good buttroom.
Here's the line of the butt seam.
And here's the line of the front seam. Still too curved out.
Super Yes.
Mega super ultra Yes.
Really short, straight front seam.
I Like Big Butts and I Cannot Lie!
(Ignore that pucker by the waistband, it doesn't exist in real life.)
Sweet detailing courtesy of my old sweatpants, Champion brand "G9" from Target.
So, I tweaked it one more time, and the next two pair will be for sale on Supermarket! More on that this weekend!
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