
Here I Am With a Finished Quilt!

I haven't posted in so long,  I almost have to relearn how to use my Blogger function.  Here are a list of things that may or may not have happened that may or may not have kept me from posting in so long:

1.) My sewing room was infested with Senegalese weasels and I had to hire the Animal Planet Police to come and film an episode of "Catch and Care: Animal 911" before I could get back in there and put the pedal to the metal.

2.) Our dear friends Abby and Michael are having a baby and I have been working on a quilt done by hand for them.

3.) We moved from the city to the suburbs.  Where's my Green Acre, bitches?

4.) I have a small child.  Her height is in the 75th percentile, her weight in the 50th, and her head in the 95th.  Which makes her a living bobble-head.  Her high maintenance 'tude is in the 436th percentile, so she requires a lot of time.

So, mostly it was the quilt and the moving.  But finally (!) I have pics to post of the quilt.  It is, as I've posted before, my first quilt.  It's made from re-purposed materials (sweatshirts and a sheet), and I made it without using a quilting hoop.  Still can't tell if that's a good thing or a bad thing.  But here it is.  I like it very much and am scared to make another because I might not like it this much.

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