Well you know what? I challenge you and your bastardized geometries to a duel. Sure, little quilt, you may have won the first round, all bowed and wobbly after the piecing. I concede you this. But how do you like being soaked and then ruthlessly pinned to a huge fat board of foam- having your every corner forced into a right angle by 180 pins so that when you dry you will be painfully straighter than you were? Scared now? Maybe you didn't know that I spent most nights before final critique in art school frantically brutalizing a piece of canvas onto a stretcher and sizing it with rabbit skin glue. Did you ever think of that? That just maybe your headstrong fibers and, may I say somewhat predictable plan to mess with me might just backfire? That I know how to force fabric to dry the way I want it to dry?! HUH?! DO YOU FREAKING HEAR ME, WET QUILT? I WILL STRAIGHTEN YOU OUT FASTER THAN YOU CAN SAY 'BASTE'!
I'm dying to see how this turns out!