My wife always says, "Babies are so fat, they should wear more black." TOTALLY TRUE, HONEY. Well, two of our three babies have gone through an adorable pudgy phase. In both cases I have, of course, chosen to accentuate thier portly proportions. As in this one-piece I just made for Griffin from an old sweater. I'm trying these new plastic snaps that I got from JoAnns. (I really hate saying or typing "JoAnn's".) They are cute, and they come in a good sized pack for cheap, but they are too hard to snap and unsnap so I'm always afraid they'll pop off, which they certainly will at some point. At least they are destined to tear the knit.
I will post a picture of portly in this outfit soon, hopefully.
Here, I resected the old collar onto the raw edge of the new jumper. Not bad, huh! I used a blind hem stitch, but not a blind hem foot. For some reason, my foot is designed such that the needle slams into it and breaks and almost pokes out my eyeballs with flying shards of evil. I guess the obvious explanation would be that it's the wrong foot for the machine, but I swear I've used it before with no trouble, and I can't remember what was different.
Exactly this, but for someone 5'8". Pronto.